Are you open to new tasks and don't just want to learn theoretical basics during your studies? You want to enjoy a good professional education and gain work experience?

Then KRAIBURG TPE is the right place for you.


Familiar working atmosphere

As a medium-sized family business, we know each other well and are proud of our friendly working atmosphere.  

Fair remuneration

Your remuneration is based on the collective agreement for the chemical industry in the Bavarian collective bargaining district.

Quick to reach

To our location in Waldkraiburg you have good connection possibilities from the whole region.

International orientation

We are an international company with global, strategic branches. With us, you work with customers and colleagues around the globe.

Social benefits

It's more than results that count: With project work, excursions and company celebrations, we promote cooperation.

What you can do

Work-Study Program

Your studies should combine theory and practice and you would like to apply what you have learnt to your daily work? We offer you comprehensive training in all technical and economic departments of our internationally active company.

Study courses sought: Business Administration, Plastics Technology
Duration: 3 years
Possible areas of application: Controlling, Production, Development, Sales

Final Thesis

Are you about to complete your studies and looking for a partner for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis? In addition to intensive professional support, we offer you an appropriate salary and all the necessary tools.

Study programmes sought: economic, technical, scientific
Duration: depending on topic; 3-6 months
Possible areas of application: by arrangement

Working Student Activity

Would you like to gain some practical experience during your studies and support us in our daily work for about 20 hours per week? We would be happy to examine your opportunities at KRAIBURG TPE according to your field of study.

Study courses sought: economic, technical, natural sciences

Duration: by arrangement

Possible areas of application: by arrangement

Voluntar Internship

Would you like to expand your knowledge from your studies with practical experience and complete a voluntary full-time internship? We will be happy to examine your opportunities at KRAIBURG TPE according to your specialisation.

Study courses you are looking for: economic, technical, natural sciences

Duration: max. 3 months

Possible areas of application: by arrangement

Internship Semester

Does your course of studies require an internship or practical semester? We will be happy to examine your opportunities at KRAIBURG TPE according to your specialization.

Study courses sought: economic, technical, natural sciences

Duration: 6 months

Possible areas of application: by arrangement

Trainee Program

You have successfully completed your studies and would like to start your professional life as part of a trainee program? At KRAIBURG TPE, this includes not only an attractive salary but also a stay abroad in the USA or Malaysia and a mentor who will provide you with advice and support over the entire period.

Study programmes sought: economic, technical

Duration: 12 months

Possible areas of application: Distribution

Are you interested?

We would be happy to check your application possibilities at KRAIBURG TPE - even independently of a specific job advertisement.


Therefore, it is best to send us your unsolicited application with


  • Letter of motivation

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Indication of your study programme

  • Planned period of use

  • Copies of certificates or final copies


Do you have any questions about your application?

Then please contact us personally.


I give permission for the personal data I have provided in the contact form to be collected and processed for answering my inquiry. The data will be erased after the processing of your inquiry is completed. Please note: You can revoke your permission for the future at any time by sending an e-mail to . For detailed information on how user data are dealt with see our Privacy Policy.

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