Publication: 10. avril 2022 Dernière mise à jour: 27. mars 2024

Enhanced Ergonomics for Consumer Electronics

  • TPEs are fast gaining popularity among industry players thanks its durability, flexibility, and reliability in consumer electronics applications – including a wide range of products and devices for entertainment, communication, and recreation

KRAIBURG TPE is enthusiastically developing TPE solutions for consumer electronics to meet new trends that focus on sustainability, safety, and functionality. Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are fast gaining popularity among industry players thanks its durability, flexibility, and reliability in consumer electronics applications – including a wide range of products and devices for entertainment, communication, and recreation.

Designing for Flexibility and Consistency

KRAIBURG TPE’s compounds offer a variety of material solutions for the consumer electronic markets. These include good mechanical properties such as resistance to scratches, abrasions, and chemicals, and allow for colourful and soft-touch designs. The compounds are also free from heavy metals and other substances like latex, PVCs or phthalates to assure hazard-free use of the devices among the consumers.

Furthermore, to ease safety concerns, KRAIBURG TPE has selective TPE compounds, certified as per the UL94HB flammability, which determines the material’s burn rate once ignited to prevent a fire risk.

Typical consumer electronic applications include watch and wrist bands, headphones, ear tips, game consoles, wireless automatic sensor, car phone holders and chargers, virtual reality (VR) devices, remote controls, and more.


Assortment of color options available

Besides benefiting from the compounds that display a wide processing window, KRAIBURG TPE offers worldwide color consistency quality, with various colorability options available for consumer electronic product designers and manufacturers.


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10.04.2022MEDIAPACK POUR Enhanced Ergonomics for Consumer Electronics


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