出版物: 26. 二月 2019 最後更新: 22. 三月 2024

KRAIBURG TPE offers international standard of low odour and emission TPE

Partnering towards automotive odour reference materials for international test method

KRAIBURG TPE is collaborating with imat-uve, the global test leader for the global automotive odour and emission standards in which its materials are proudly used as odour reference materials for the automotive industry’s international standard test method.


KRAIBURG TPE leads in global automotive TPE odour standards

imat-uve GmbH is a renowned international expert in emission testing and validation of materials, components and systems for the automotive industry. There are various types of imat-uve high precision standard materials for odour tests which serve as references for standard test methods such as VDA270.


imat-uve’s high precision standard material benchmark launched during the Emission and Odour Conference held in 2018 in Shanghai, China allows customers to calibrate their test panels and instruments to achieve automotive OEMs and suppliers’ industry standards.


According to imat-uve’s newsletter published on 2018: “Andreas Dörner from KRAIBURG TPE GmbH & Co. KG presented his company’s developments regarding the emission behaviour of KRAIBURG TPE materials. Afterwards, imat-uve CEO Hans Peter Schlegelmilch also introduced the material emission behaviour to participants as a new approach to standardizing odour and emission tests using standard materials developed by imat-uve.”

After purchasing the high precision standard material and testing it in-house, customers can compare the test values with the default values in the unique online validation tool, and a match or deviation will be provided graphically.


Imat-uve lauds KRAIBURG TPE’s consistent quality and innovation

As a global TPE manufacturer, KRAIBURG TPE offers customized solutions and innovations to produce compounds with the precise odour rate to match the odour reference materials.  Additionally, KRAIBURG TPE fully understands their products’ odour and emission behaviour while fulfilling the target values and requirement for odour and emission of most OEMs.


Focus on total customer satisfaction

KRAIBURG TPE in innovating materials that satisfy market criteria on VOCs and SVOCs, measures its success by customer satisfaction through a unique quality concept that takes people, processes and products into account, centred on exceptional, high quality and custom-engineered compounds.


Exceptional, high-quality, and custom-engineered compounds are our foundation.  To support our customers in every way, we offer much more by way of technical expertise, individual advisory, and one-of-a-kind customer service. KRAIBURG TPE always takes the extra steps to stay right by your side.


More to come soon

Stay tuned with KRAIBURG TPE for more innovative achievements and industry-breaking news in the coming months. For more information on the KRAIBURG TPE low odour and low emission compounds, and to access technical articles, please visit www.kraiburg-tpe.com



26.02.2019媒體包用於 KRAIBURG TPE offers international standard of low odour and emission TPE

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