WEB-SemINAR - 3D printing with TPE

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge


With Guest Speakers from AddiFab and Pollen AM

WEB-SemINAR -  Advantages and Possibilities of Soft, Elastic Materials in 3D Printing


What can low volume manufacturing do in the COVID-19 situation?


Whether it's protective masks, visors or other aids in the fight against the pandemic: With the help of 3D printing technologies, companies are carrying out pioneering work even in the era of Coronavirus. They take on responsibility for their employees, the general public welfare and the economy. Soft, elastic materials have also long since become established in everyday life far from the state of emergency, e.g. in intubation cuffs.


These unique materials enable companies to take full advantage of 3D printing: Flexibility, speed and lower costs mean that the time between the first prototype and series production is reduced considerably. A further advantage is, that the material is also used in many applications in injection molding and can be recycled.


Our webinar is aimed at cross-industry interested parties, such as developers and manufacturers, who want to learn more about the possible applications of pure play 3D printing technologies and 3D printing combined with injection molding.

Make sure you are part of it!

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