WEB-SEMINAR - Colorful Highlights with custom-engineered TPE

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

WEB-SEMINAR - Colorful Highlights with custom-engineered TPE

Whether as a confirmation, warning or indicator of moods or attributes - the color of an object conveys an impression of what can be expected and has a (in-)direct influence on the purchase decision.

In our web seminar, we will (quite unphilosophically) address the questions of what color is and how it is produced and evaluated (at KRAIBURG TPE). In addition, we will explain what possibilities thermoplastic elastomers have to offer in terms of coloring and what approvals colored TPE can already meet ex works.

Our webinar is aimed at consumer and industry professionals who want to realize the full potential of the color palette, from household goods to consumer electronics and communications. Design and quality assurance as well as experts and manufacturers from the automotive, engineering, plant construction and construction industries will also get benefit from the event.


  • What is color
  • Instrumental color evaluation / Instrumental color evaluation at KRAIBURG-TPE
  • Visual color evaluation / visual color evaluation at KRAIBURG-TPE

  • What KRAIBURG TPE offers regarding
    • Color settings
    • color adjustments to other materials
    • Options for colors
      • Transparent colors
      • Opaque colors
      • Effect colors

  • Preservation of existing approvals for coloring ex works
    • Contact with food (EU10/2011, FDA, BfR...)
    • UL94 HB/VB Listings
    • Drinking water approvals
    • Medical Compliance (ISO10993-5)

Introducing our Experts:

Our experts are looking forward to meeting you virtually!

Make sure you are part of it!

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*Mandatory field