출판: 2020년 8월 27일 마지막 업데이트: 2024년 3월 25일

Directly to the (home) office with the TPE Expert Talks

KRAIBURG TPE hosts four days of free digital web-seminars  

The TPE Expert Talks by KRAIBURG TPE will take place between 12 and 15 October. The digital, free event offers various formats, is aimed at customers, partners, industry insiders as well as interested parties and provides its visitors with information, insights and insider knowledge.

In October, KRAIBURG TPE will be hosting a series of lectures on thermoplastic elastomers from 12 to 15 October for the first time. The agenda for the four days of the event includes over 20 web seminars, live talks, short presentations, expert discussions and product presentations. Experienced industry experts and long-standing partners will present exciting new products. The highlight of the multi-day event is an exclusive product launch.

In 2020, trade fairs, events and meetings can only be held under strict security precautions. For this reason, KRAIBURG TPE has decided to host the TPE Expert Talks, an information event for customers, industry insiders and all those interested in TPE. The goal of this event is to inform about new developments and progress without running the risk of infection. The topics on the agenda include innovations in the field of sustainable TPEs, solutions for the sports and leisure sector, Lightweight TPE, sterilizability of TPE and much more. The autumn event also offers the opportunity for a personal consultation after each session.  

"For us as a company, the protection of the individual continues to have the highest priority. However, our responsibility towards customers and partners also includes continuing to provide personal counseling and first-class service - in other words, exactly what distinguishes us - in times of home office and event restrictions," summarizes Michael Pollmann, Sales & Marketing Director EMEA at KRAIBURG TPE. "We have created the digital TPE Expert Talks to be as close as possible to our customers, even at maximum safety distance. And it is worth attending: The event is packed with highlights – make sure to look forward to them together with us," says Pollmann.

The program, including the possibility to register for the individual sessions, will be available from September on the event page. Information on topics, dates and registration is available in advance in our TPE Expert Talks newsletter, for which you can register on the event page here

We are also happy to offer representatives of the press the opportunity to talk to our experts on a one-on-one basis to exchange ideas on desired topics. Simply contact us by e-mail!

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27.08.2020미디어 패키지 KRAIBURG TPE hosts four days of free digital web-seminars

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