出版物: 2021 年 5 月 11 日 最近更新時間: 2024 年 3 月 26 日

Virtual TPE Expert Talks 2021 provide global information

KRAIBURG TPE’s digital series of events enters second round

KRAIBURG TPE will be holding its second TPE Expert Talks from June 8 to 10. Spurred on by the positive feedback received about the kick-off event in 2020, this free digital event will be presented in an extended global format, full of highlights and industry expertise brought together for customers, partners and everybody interested in TPEs.

From June 8 to 10 next month, KRAIBURG TPE will be hosting its second online series of lectures covering every aspect of thermoplastic elastomers. The agenda for the three-day event has plenty in store: Participants can look forward to 20 unique short presentations and expert interviews, as well as product presentations, which have been selected based on current topics as well as customer requests and feedback. The highlight: For the first time, the TPE Expert Talks are being held at a global level. This will enable participants to take part in discussing various global issues from a local point of view – live, in their own time zone.

The TPE Expert Talks arose in 2020 from the idea of trying to stay close to customers despite the restrictions and keeping them informed safely about new products, developments and industry know-how. “We’ve received a lot of positive feedback about the content and the organization of the debut event,” summarizes Franz Hinterecker, CEO of KRAIBURG TPE. “As the modular set-up proved its value, we’ll be staying with it. The audience liked the 15-minute sessions in particular, so we’ll be offering more of them in 2021. We’re especially looking forward to the event’s international orientation, as we’ll be able to present our accumulated global expertise for the first time – for 3 days, almost 24 hours a day, directly from Europe, America and Asia, and always with a local focus,” says Mr. Hinterecker.

To provide TPE beginners and experts with an appealing program capable of enhancing their knowledge, the event will be covering a broad range of topics: From light effect TPEs and an FAQ session on TPEs in relation to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to electrically conductive and antistatic TPEs, through to innovations in the field of lightweight TPEs. But the agenda also includes sessions covering general topics such as “all about TPEs” as well as multicomponent injection molding. The aim of the program is to prepare participants individually to face challenges in the field of TPEs and get them ready for the coming 12 to14 months in the market environment in this sector, thus enabling them to take their company into the future with the help of thermoplastic elastomers.

The program is available now at the event site, where you can also register for individual sessions. For information on topics, dates and registration, just sign up for our TPE Expert Talks Newsletter at:


Press representatives are also welcome to meet our experts for individual discussions about their desired topics. Just get in touch with us via e-mail!



11.05.2021媒体包 Virtual TPE Expert Talks 2021 provide global information

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