出版物: 04. 十月 2021 最後更新: 12. 六月 2024

New TPE Solutions for the US Automotive Market

KRAIBURG TPE Americas introduces its TPEs with Superior Flow Properties for Automotive Interior Applications 

KRAIBURG TPE Americas introduces its Styrene Block Copolymer based TPEs with superior flow properties for  automotive interior applications. This new series is an improved material solution for applications requiring precise dimensions, clean aesthetics, low density, and superior flow properties, dedicated to the needs of US automotive manufacturers.

In the automotive market, the consumers’ nuances of operating a vehicle continue to be eliminated with time, shifting more of the consumers’ attention to the vehicle’s interior aesthetics and quality. The consumer’s relationship with interior systems is continually becoming more involved, resulting in a steadily increasing range of interior application requirements to satisfy.

KRAIBURG TPE has responded to these changing and growing material demands. In order to reply to this need for more functional and aesthetic parts, KRAIBURG TPE is introducing a new solution to meet this need while maintaining customer’s processing preferences a point of focus. The new series, THERMOLAST® K FG/LD/AM, is a further development of KRAIBURG TPE’s existing interior TPEs and has been adapted to new applications and requirements based on suggestions provided by customers and numerous years of practical experience. The series has exclusively been developed for US automotive manufacturers.

The new series’ focus is primarily on addressing the current challenges of existing TPEs used for interior mats, as well as cup holders, door gap seals and trims, glove box mats, and more. Aligning with TPV’s density while lending superior flow properties than TPV’s, provides customers an improved combination of benefits; a wide range of interior part size possibilities, while refining surface quality and reducing processing pressures versus the conventional incumbent TPS’s and TPVs. This series is commercially available in Shore 65A, 75A, and 85A. Colors available are black and natural. Additionally, KRAIBURG TPE is able to deliver these grades in any OEM specific color due to the highly experienced team specialized in coloring. 

KRAIBURG TPE has made intensive efforts to comprehend the requirements of Automotive OEMs and this THERMOLAST® K FG/LD/AM series is targeted to meet and exceed OEM’s requirements for automotive interior such as: lower density for lighter part weights, higher flow for improved processing, improved surface finish, as well as odor, VOC and emissions requirements.

The series is immediately and exclusively available at KRAIBURG TPE Americas.



04.10.2021媒體包用於 New TPE Solutions for the US Automotive Market

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